Storage and charging station for lithium-ion batteries for Tomin Group Hilversum

The list of fires caused in particular by charging lithium-ion batteries is steadily getting longer and longer. Li-Ion batteries can cause fires in the event of thermal runaway (Thermal Runaway) caused by e.g. internal short circuits. This is considered a special hazard with a high risk of fire due to the large amounts of energy stored in the cells. Mechanical damage, electrical failure or overheating can lead to leakage of hydrogen fluoride (highly toxic). The risk of a violent explosion of a li-ion battery should not be underestimated and because a li-ion battery causes a "metal fire", the fire cannot be extinguished with traditional means. Hiltra Barneveld BV has developed a complete range of fire safety cabinets and safes that offer a very high level of security for storage and charging activities with this type of battery. The applied, unique, certified extinguishing system is automatically activated very quickly, is human- and environmentally-friendly, and limits consequential damage to a minimum. Call us to find out what we can do for you. Click here for more images.

Drip tray and grate galvanised model HLB 4
Promotion price€ 322,00

SWD Ribbed tube heater type RIT 200 (Mechaheat)
Promotion price€ 441,70

SWD Ribbed tube heater type RIT 200 (Cetal)
Promotion price€ 441,70

Drip tray and grid galvanized model HLB 11
Promotion price€ 624,15