
Fireproof storage building according to NEN 6069 Alkmaar

Storage building including office with a fire resistance of 60 minutes built on a foundation impermeable to fluids in accordance with CUR/PBV recommendation 44. Layout based on five compartments for storage of raw materials and five compartments for storage of waste. Delivery including powder extinguishers, frost proof emergency shower system, explosion proof lighting, emergency lighting and ventilation system.

Labsaver F90 LS1220-EN - gray/yellow
Promotion price
€ 2.208,96
Chemical cabinet type CK40 - grey
Promotion price
€ 642,20
Labsaver F90 LS620-EN - yellow
Promotion price
€ 1.910,70
SWD Ribbed tube heater type RIT 200 (Mechaheat)
Promotion price
€ 441,70