Amendment of PGS-15 regulations

One change in the regulations of the PGS 15/version 2011-12 in relation to the PGS 15/version 2005
has not escaped the notice of many clients and enforcers, as was evident from a recent conversation with
Infomill, which has received many questions regarding this issue.
It concerns § 3.10/PGS 15-2005 versus § 3.10.2/PGS 15-2011/12.

In the first version, it was still prescribed that a fire safety storage cabinet, or BVOK for short,
a Research Memorandum of Understanding (SvO) from, and on the letterhead of, the research institute itself had to be enclosed in order to
had to be enclosed in order to demonstrate that a BVOK complies with the standard, in the second version
of PGS 15 only a "product certificate" is mentioned.
This brings everyone back to the "jungle", because by whom should the "product certificate" be issued, by the supplier himself ?
issued by the supplier himself? The appendix A.2 "Definitions" of the PGS 15-2011/12
unfortunately does not provide a definite answer here either.

The new § 3.10.2/PGS 15-2011/12 opens the door again for products that have not been
tested, as was already the case at the time of the CPR 15 guidelines.
Not every change is a progress or improvement and certainly not when there is a clear
clear control instrument such as the SoC of § 3.10/PGS 15-2005 is removed.
"Just so you know.
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