Extension F60-F90 Big Savers

The range of the most sold storage containers for hazardous substances in the Netherlands is, dare we say it, that of the Hiltra Big Saver safe containers. The range of Big Savers was already particularly extensive, but has now been expanded even further to units of no less than 9 x 3 x 3 metres, including full certification as to the fire resistance (also referred to as the WBDBO) of 60 or 90 minutes by the recognized test institute Efectis in Rijswijk.
This means that it is now possible, for example, to store no less than 16 europallets or IBCs (in europallet size) in one Big Saver BS 9000. In terms of price, this is also a very interesting development for our customers.
The BS 9000/1100 model will also be included in the PGS15 range of hire lockers.
Bigsaver F60 model BS 3002-1100 (Occasion from stock > HV > 3002-55-1018)
Promotion price
€ 23.738,77
Drip tray and grate galvanised model HLB 4
Promotion price
€ 322,00
Bigsaver F60 model BS 3002-1100 (Occasion from stock > HV > 3002-62-0519)
Promotion price
€ 24.447,39
Drip tray and grid galvanized model HLB 2
Promotion price
€ 236,72